A Study Revealed: Most Portions of the Users are Unable to Find Apps from the App Store

Things are not going so easy and smooth for the Android and iOS users for a very noticeable time. People use iOS and Android operating systems in order to get their lives on the easier track. And different apps for different sectors are one of the main reasons why people tend to purchase smartphones in the first place. But in a recent study, it has revealed that different app stores are quite unable to provide the facilities that they are prepared and maintained for. Most of the cases in finding the right desired app often go in to vein as users cannot find it via the search engine of app stores. Orrin, the Quixey Executive said, “Making it difficult to find content is a surefire way to frustrate users and keep them from coming back to your app,”

The unique battleground for all the app discoveries in both the leading mobile app stores; which are iTunes and Google Play; have more to do when it comes to the part where an app ranks in the user search result than where that particular app does rank in the chart. A relative study conducted by ad attribution and TUNE has revealed that merely half of mobile users had found the last app that they had downloaded via search in the app store. On Android, there 53% users who had found their last apps on Google Play, where only 47% of the iOS users had found that from the help of search engine of App Store. The dicoverability is one of the biggest challenges for the developers in Android and iOS without any doubt as a huge number of similar titles are available in App Store from Apple and Google Play from Android.

TUNE does have some knowledge regarding this segment as they have recently acquired platform for mobile marketing from MobileDevHQ. It it helps all the app publishers for optimizing all of the rankings related to the app’s search. A famous firm working in this sector has commented on this, “While most developers focus on cracking the top 25, search is becoming an increasingly important tool in the ‘long tail’ of mobile apps.”

On both iOS and Android, after the search engine section, the next two ways for discovering the desired apps are organic, like suggestion from friends or reading about it somewhere in the web. In case of Android users, friends and family push this to 12%, while the portion is 15% in the similar circumstances in iOS. Besides, reading about a particular app is 12% for those who use Android operating system and 11% for the iOS users.

Patrick Pichette, the Google CFO said, “The company will make sure app indexing, in which deep links to apps are included in search results, is “available and easily accessible across devices.”

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