Search Engine Ranking and why it matters

Search Engine Ranking or Search Engine Optimization is the main function of all online businesses. In fact it’s the basic by which all other strategies and tactics are being centered. It’s the procedure for the effectiveness of the visibility of a particular website of search results. In an easier way, we can tell that the more a site is Search Engine Ranking based, the more frequently visitors will have the access to it, as it will appear on the first page of random search results. It’s an indispensable part of Internet marketing strategy.

If you have expertise in internet marketing, then there’s nothing to tell you about the importance of taking your very own website to the top of search engine results. Once you can get your site on the front page, there’s no way of looking back; as you have done the hard part. If your web page is not on the front page for a given search result, then you will get low traffic as far as the viewers are concerned. How much your site is related to the given topic, if your site has low ranking, then your page will never be able to grasp the web site visitors to great extent.

So yes, it’s a big deal. Suppose your very own page is located on the first position of the second page. If you work hard enough to drive it up on the top seven lists of the front page, it will make a huge difference when it comes to increasing your traffic. Here’s a simple fact: web site which is shown at the 1st position is entitled to around 40% of the existed clicks for a given search result; where web page at 10th usually gets 1% of them. So Search Engine Ranking matters, right?

We are not discussing here how to make an SEO based web site; rather we are talking about why you should do it. When you frequently experience a particular site always come up before your screen whenever you search for something, you will consider that quite a reliable one & always will be looking for the site whenever you need help or something. So for getting your site in such a commanding position, you have to be tactically accurate and exact in the first place.

Once you start working for Search Engine Ranking, you will automatically be aware of the two topics which are considered to be crucial. One’s is Google Page Rank (PR) while Alexa is the other one.

There are some differences between ranking of Google PR and Alexa. Google’s pager rank defines any page’s importance based on quantity and quality of all the incoming links coming to your website. But Alexa measures the importance based on traffic which has been recorded to the website through Alexa Toolbar. Alexa always ranks website on continuous basis by current traffic while Google PR only publishes the ranking 3 or 4 times a year.

For more reading about technology news in singapore and seo to online marketing do view more about other pages.

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