How to Make Money from your Blogs

Blogging is a great internet marketing tool for any business websites and it’s a great way of sharing ideas and information for many individual bloggers. There are hundreds of thousands of blogger these days that run online blogs, but only a few of them are professional bloggers. We can divide bloggers into two categories; Bloggers who do blogging as part of their hobby and Bloggers who does it professionally. What do we mean by pro bloggers? Pro bloggers are people who manage their living by means of their blogs.

Although both types are doing almost the same thing, there’s a basic difference between these two categories of bloggers. The lack of knowledge on proper implementation tactics prevents most of the bloggers from earning revenues out of their blogs. Today we are going to discuss on this very important issue “How a regular blogger can make money from his blog and turn him-self into a professional blogger?”

The first thing you should remember is that blogging success doesn’t come overnight. You have to give a significant amount of time to make your blog healthy and loaded with useful information.

You have to start with a particular niche. Choose the subject matter that best suits with your interest. Suppose you have started with a photography blog and your niche is digital Cameras and particularly Canon Digital Cameras. In your blog you will discuss on photography, digital cameras and ways to take cool pictures with digital cameras. So you are settled with your blog topics and its niche. Try to publish at least a post everyday and do some SEO works to receive higher page rank. Eventually you will gain a higher page rank with lots of traffic.

Now it’s time to engage your blog with money making opportunities. Following are some of the major ways to make money out of your blogs:

Google AdSense: Google AdSense is the advertising platform from Google Inc. It works as a win-win platform both for the advertisers and the publishers. Advertisers sign up with Google AdSense by paying money for publishing their ads on relevant sites. On the other hand blogger and website owners like you sign up as publishers to receive ads to be published in their websites or blogs. Google AdSense pays on the basis of PPC (Pay Per Click) and the minimum rate for each ad is $0.10. But before you get approved with Google AdSense you have to come up with an agreement with Google that you will never click the ads on your own blogs or websites.

Amazon Affiliates: A lot of your earning opportunity as a blogger lies on Amazon Affiliates. But before that you need to know what Affiliate Marketing is? To say in a nutshell Affiliate Marketing is the process of selling others’ product by means of your own marketing effort. In our example we settled our blog as a photography site with the niche Canon digital cameras. Now it’s time to set affiliated product banners along with your original post and reviews on Canon digital cameras. When someone will buy some digital cameras from using your affiliate links from your website you will simply get paid each time. Amazon shares 10% sales profit with its affiliate marketers.

Integrate PayPal Donation Button: If you provide quality information to your visitors for free by means of your blog, then it’s not a matter of shame to ask your visitors to donate some money for your work. PayPal donation button integration is easy and you will receive your donation directly to your PayPal account.

Sell your own Products: This is the best way to make money online from your very own platform. If you have a photography website then you can sell your master pieces of photographs for few dollars each. Here you also need to integrate third party online payment processor like PayPal, Skrill, Payza or 2Checkout. They will receive the payments on your behalf from your buyers and will credit your account with the money. All of them have roughly two policies a fixed monthly charge or a particular percentage on each transaction. You have to choose the option that best suits for you.

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