Can you write Search Engine Friendly Blog Post?

        SEO is a much important and authentic part of the online business marketing. You know that people type the keywords in the search engines to find information they want to google. If you appear in their search results they will definitely come to your web page to find their answers or information. These search engines may bring some best results for you, so you should understand the how to do search engine friendly article writing. Even if you do not think of yourself as a writer but writing articles for your blog is easier. There are many strategies to improve your website’s rankings; one of these is to write articles.

Sourabh Bhunje.

       Before starting to write the articles, you should figure out the important primary and secondary keywords regarding your article subject. Words and phrases that are relatively popular target them. If you write your articles in an interesting manner with the professional dimensions then its look will be professional. Keep in mind if you write useful articles, more peoples will visit your blog, web-page to mine the information they require or to get answers of their questions and this will give you higher rankings on your website because of your useful content. Simple way to make your blog titles more search engine friendly is to make them more specific with subject oriented content.

Following are simple steps for doing SEO for blog articles:

1. Try to include Search Terms in the Title of post you going to write

Generally title of your blog post is among the first things the search engine sees, and it assumes the words that appear earliest are the most important. So, when it comes to SEO, title plays vital role. The most important & appreciating terms should appear as quickly as you can reasonably fit them in your posts.

2. While writing your article link words to earlier subject related posts

Search engines consider exactly what word or phrase linked to the post; a blog  post about the Android App is going to be more likely to show up in Google searches on the subject if another page links the word “Android App” to the post.

3. Tag the subject professionals, related sites in your posts

Tags help organize your blog so both humans and search engines can find what they’re looking for. Terms like “technology”, “Web Design” reflects the topics and content of the post. Search engines try to recognize tags and use them to set priority in its search ranking for those search terms.

4. Learn to use Google Insights to identify hot search terms

Google is the most popular search engine; it makes sense to focus your efforts there. If you are not sure then hit up Google Insights & revel popular search terms. For example, if your business is an automobiles workshop, but if you not sure what customers needs, Google Insights can help you to tell which are the more popular & important search terms.


Things you can avoid:

Do not flood your post with keywords, pay for links to your website or article, avoid bad ways to improve rank, do white box SEO, respect your visitors. That’s all for today !!

For more reading about technology news in singapore and seo to online marketing do view more about other pages.

Sourabh Bhunje

Sourabh Bhunje, B.E. IT from Pune University. Currently Working at Techliebe. Professional Skills: Programming - Software & Mobile, Web & Graphic Design, Localization, Content Writing, Sub-Titling etc.

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