Are you going to delete your Digital Life?
Generally, we manage most of our social & business life online. Lot of your personal life, like snaps on FB, tweets, Blog articles may be also online in digital format. What will happen if you are unable to reach to your digital information? You should think for protecting or tacking backup or deleting personal data.
Generally peoples do following categories related activities while using internet.
- Photographs and videos
- E-mail accounts.
- Financial accounts, Online Business
- Scanned documents
- Social media data
- Personal data kept at work.

So, if you want to delete your digital footprints to keep your secrets to yourself then you can step by step go ahead by following ways.
- Unsubscribe to non relevant email newsletters.
- If your mailbox showing “Inbox (1000)” waiting for actions then reply to important e-mails else delete them or archive your mailbox.
- Organize your digital documents into folder formats. It will be easy for next time to search required documents.
- Delete documents, spreadsheets and presentations you own & you want to remove from internet.
- Back up your digital devices. Clean your browser.
- Eliminate third party applications on social media you no longer use, delete their permissions.
- Refresh your social media accounts. Delete old requests, invites and conversations.
- Think Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Keep connections with familiar peoples, so that your personal data may remain safely, in your known network.
- Take backup of your Facebook account from account settings. Change privacy, if want to go offline from internet then delete social media accounts as well as your comments, posts or blog posts, forum discussions.
- Google your name, and if any data found which you want to delete then delete it or request to that site authorities from where you want to delete your data.
But still you think, why to think about death, I want to enjoy my digital life, then you can remove only unimportant data, like photo tags, comments. You can also put your documents in clouds to keep your memories alive. You should form your family network by using cloud services where you can keep your personal data safely with family environment. Your online business or financial accounts information is very important so, take secure backup of your sensitive information.
Google is now thinking about peoples can control their digital selves. Before some days Google announced that users of its digital services can control how their data is handled after inactivity. Inactive Account Manager lets you tell Google to delete or share your precious data with a predetermined person after a specified period of inactivity. The Inactive Account Manager is a simplified version of the old process for accessing or shutting down an account, which required both birth and death notices from a family member. You can choose up to 10 people to notify and select individuals who can see your personal data. Google also gives you the option of deleting your account permanently.
Google product manager ‘Andreas Tuerk’ said “We hope that this new feature will enable you to plan your digital afterlife — in a way that protects your privacy and security — and make life easier for your loved ones after you’re gone,” in a blog post.
So, online companies now started to keep information virtually alive with this new trend of social media in the afterlife. In upcoming future, you’ll be remembered online when you’ve left this beautiful world.
“Keep your digital life alive, after death….”
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