Dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation in C
Dynamic memory allocation:-
- void *mallc(size_t size);
- void *calloc(size_t n, size_t size);
- void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
- void *alloca(size_t size);
- void free(void *ptr);
- void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
- int or void *memcmp(const void *s, const void *d, size_t n);
- void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
- void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n);
Important points:-
- malloc(), calloc() and realloc gets the memory on the heap.
- In case of static memory allocation, memory is allocated on the stack.
- We can not change a size of a statically allocated memory.
- We also allocate a memory dynamically (at run time) on stack in runtime by alloca() function.
- alloca() allocates a memory at runtime at a stack.
malloc() (Memory allocation):-
void *mallc(size_t size);
int fun()
int *p = (int *)malloc(40);
- malloc() returns a void pointer which is starting address of our dynamically allocated memory.
- Due to this return data type we cannot access dynamically allocated memory and also we cannot move inside the dynamically allocated memory.
- To avoid above restriction we have to type cast with appropriate datatype.
- After type casting we can access particular no. of bytes from that dynamically allocated memory.
- If malloc(), calloc() and realloc() fails to allocate a memory dynamically in that case all the functions returns NULL.
- Then it is necessary that check whether the pointer is NULL or not.
int *p = (int *)malloc(40);
printf(“enable to allocate a memory.”);
- malloc() is a library function which internally calls BRK and SBRK system calls and that system calls internally calls grow rage algorithm.
- BRK means breaking and SBRK means Segment breaking.
- malloc() allocates a memory which contains default garbage values but nowadays malloc() also allocates a memory which is initialized with 0.
calloc() (Calculated allocation):-
void *calloc(size_t n, size_t size);
- calloc() is used for allocating a memory for an array.
- 1st parameter of calloc() is no of elements of that array and
- 2nd parameter of calloc() is size of each element of that array.
- If we have to allocate a memory for int array having 10 members in that case calloc() can be returned as,
int *p = (int *)calloc(10,sizeof int);
int *p = (int *)malloc(10*sizeof int);
- calloc() allocates a memory which is initialized with 0;
realloc() (Reallocation of memory):-
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
- realloc() is used for reallocating a memory which is previously allocated by mallo(), calloc() and realloc() itself.
- realloc() is used for decrementing the size of a memory or incrementing a size of a memory.
- 1st parameter of realloc() is pointer of previously allocated memory and
- 2nd parameter of realloc() is new size.
- This is not a difference between previous and new size.
- If 1st parameter of realloc() is NULL then it is worked as malloc().
- If 2nd parameter of realloc() is 0 then it is worked as free().
- While reallocating by realloc() if there is no sufficient amount memory in that case memory manager allocates a new memory of appropriate size and copies the previously allocated data into new memory.
- This condition is only happened when there is no sufficient amount of memory after previously allocated memory.
- In this case realloc() internally calls memcpy() to copies the contents from one memory location to another memory location.
int *p = (int *)malloc(40);
p = (int *)realloc(p,170);
- After reallocating the memory and some another location memory manager frees the previously allocated memory.
- While reallocating if there is no sufficient amount of memory in that case realloc() returns NULL.
- Due to which we lost previously allocated memory to avoid that drawback we can use some another pointer for receiving the address of newly allocated memory by realloc().
int *p, *q;
p = (int *)malloc(40);
q = realloc(p,40);
- In this case p must be return an address or output of maooc(), calloc() or realloc().
- If 1st parameter of realloc is NULL.
int *p = (int *)realloc(NULL,140);
- In this case new 140 byte memory is allocated by realloc() and strting addres of that memory is assigned into p.
- It works similar as malloc().
- If 2nd parameter of realloc() is 0;
int *p = (int *)malloc(40);
p = realloc(p,0);
- In this case memory allocated by malloc() is freed by realloc().
- realloc() is also used for decreasing an allocated memory.
char *p = (char *)calloc(40,sizeof char);
p = realloc(p,10);
void *alloca(size_t size);
- To allocate a memory in a stack we use the alloca().
- After using alloca() we cannot use realloc().
- alloca() allocates a memory which contains default garbage values.
- If alloca() fails to return memory then it returns NULL.
- We cannot allocate a memory from stack to heap so we use alloca().
void free(void *ptr);
- free() is used for de allocating a memory which is previously allocated memory by malloc(), calloc() and realloc().
- This function accepts the starting address of our previously allocating memory and function returns nothing.
- Parameter of free() must be base address of allocated memory.
- free() internally removes the memory from used list of memory table and insert it into free list of memory table.
- After de allocating a memory by using free() we cannot access that memory.
int *p = (int *)malloc(40);
printf(*p); // segmentation fault
Example of dynamic memory allocation for 1D and 2D array:-
1D array:-
int *p = NULL;
int no = 0,I = 0;
printf(“enter the elements”);
p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*no);
printf(“Enter the values”);
free(p); // freed allocated memory.
2D array:-
int **p = NULL;
int row,col,I,j;
printf(“enter the rows and cols”);
p = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*rows);
printf(“elements of an array are”);
// frees the allocated memory
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