How to Advertize on Facebook

Well, what I can even say about Facebook that you already don’t know! Facebook is now the most powerful and effective social media when it comes to the virtual world. This social network service has brought about a revolution in the field of communicating with peer groups. It has now more than 6oo million users, among which over 50% of them use it on daily basis. So as the day progresses, it has also become a strong media of conducting business and getting attention.

So if you want to be one of those who earn tons of bucks using Facebook as an advertising medium, you are to follow some certain still basic rules to walk on this path. So, what would you do first?

At first, you have to do the most important and obvious thing; which is creating a Facebook page. Since Facebook started inviting users to Like the pages instead of Become a Fan of, it has become quite frequent that people are not bothered to click on a simple ‘Like’ on different business pages. And this small contribution from them is your main weapon! So make your business page a lively, amazing & superb looking one.

Then you have to promote your existing page so that your potential consumers can find you taking a little help out there. For that, you have to add a ‘Find us on Facebook’ button, make some email marketing communications along with some charismatic innovation.

Then you have to be active & prompt on your page. You need to see the users that at least you are doing something in it. So even if they don’t bother going on the very page, at least your existence will knock on their head. As long as you are not getting much space to promote or advertise your product/service, you have to be discreet about using it.

But to be successful with your advertisement, you always need to make some test before running the main one. For that you can make multiple ad versions and create some similar ones to run those as well. Once you start doing it, you will easily see that which one’s performing better than anyone; which will only be based on ‘Clicks’. But remember that you need approval from Facebook authority, so make exact sure that your page follows certain guidelines of them.

It actually works quite a bit like AdWorkds. Competitiveness of keywords defines the effectiveness of your business page. For this, you can either choose CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand model). But stats show that the second one is far more effective.

Once you are done with all of these, you will have to start tweaking & tracking of your business page. Facebook owns a tool which will give you resourceful information regarding the actions taken in the Facebook platform. For this, you can largely use the Facebook Insights tool for monitoring them.

Thus, you will be able to advertise your product or service a great deal via Facebook and boost up your volume of business by making large amount of profit through it.

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